Two-week research and creation seminar with invited artists and theoreticians and the Art by Translation participants

Cneai=, Pantin
March 7-17, 2017

The objective of this seminar was to provide theoretical and historical knowledge to the group and create a space for discussions. We also defined the content and principles of the Cneai and Darling Foundry exhibitions. Art by Translation invited theoreticians and artists to present their work and create a dialogue around the question of translation in the arts and the aesthetic and theoretical issues at stake in the exhibition, The House of Dust by Alison Knowles. The participants and a group of students from ESBA TALM Angers and the École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts de Paris-Cergy participated in the discussions.

Contributing artists and theoriticians : A Constructed World, Sylvie Boulanger, Jagna Ciuchta, Bertrand Clavez, Alessandro de Francesco, Yona Friedman, Ramiro Guerreiro, Aurélie Godard, Jeff Guess, Maud Jacquin, Nicholas Knight, Silvia Kolbowski, Katarzyna Krakowiak, Elisabeth Lemercier, Patrice Neirinck, Raphaël Pirenne, Sébastien Pluot, Emilie Renard, Vanessa Theodoropoulou and Fabien Vallos.