Ten-day research and creation seminar with the Art by Translation fellows

Université Rennes 2
November 11-20, 2019

During this ten-day seminar, the Art by Translation fellows produced and installed their works for the exhibition The Intolerable Straight Line that was conceived collectively during the previous seminar in Rennes. During the two-day program of events that took place at the Galerie Art&Essai, Pedro Zylbersztajn and Julia E. Dyck created new performances that took place on the radio and on the university campus. Julia E. Dyck also proposed a workshop entitled Voice Echo Transmission. In addition, the four fellows organized a public reading group during we discussed theoretical and artistic texts of their choices. Finally, they presented their work at the FRAC Bretagne in the context of a seminar organized by professor John Cornu.

With the Art by Translation Fellows, and MFA students from Université Rennes 2, ESAD TALM Angers and ENSA Paris-Cergy.