Workshop by the Slow Reading Club with students from TALM Angers

TALM Angers
20 November 2018

This daylong workshop houses itself in the confusion of the morning after. Inherently suspicious of closure, huddled in the long shadow, we open up together the practice of slow reading for discussion and interruption by concentrating our efforts on a single text. In this session, SRC positions its energies at the threshold between reading and writing. With the students, we collectively write a single text by distributing and feeding of an extant text from Warren Weaver - “a part can’t come together (can’t remember) though the parts no longer fit, and this not fitting, this growth after dismemberment, keeps us harder coming strong (anti entropic beasts) falling together even as we fall apart”(1)

(1) Jafa, Arthur, “My Black Death” [pamphlet], On the Blackness of BLACKNUSS. No. 1 (2015). Studio Hudson.