The Tyranny of Distance

  • Mel Bochner, Measurement, 2018, at TALM-Angers, November 2018

  • Mel Bochner, Measurement, 2018, at FLAX@ Tin Flats, November 2018

Mel Bochner, Measurement, 2018
Vinyl on the wall

"Anna: Also in this train of measuring distance, we should mention the work by Mel Bochner.

Sébastien: Yes so we can speak about Mel Bochner next: which is part of his Measurement pieces that he has been doing since 1968. This one is a measurement that materializes the distance between LA and Angers, but also materializes the space where the artist stands, meaning in New York, in the middle of this space. So the vinyl is showing two lines interrupted with New York in between. The nice thing is that there are two New Yorks. So what I really like is that it is reflecting on what is Los Angeles to New York, what is New York to Angers and the connection between the old world and the new world. So there is a kind of subtext there which I like.

Maud: When I first saw the work, which I really liked, I replied, I’m glad everything is in order, that New York is still at the centre of the world."

This text is an excerpt from the performance The Infiltration by Joshua Schwebel whose project was to infiltrate the curators’ position in the exhibition. Read more